Jumat, 04 November 2011


-Have, Get, Make, Let, Help-

1] Ask, Order, Instruct, Want >>> Have/Get

2] Force >>> Make
Ex :
She forced me finish my report.
She made me finish my report.

3] Allow >>> Let
Ex :
She allowed me to open the door.
She let me to open the door.

4] Help
Ex :
My father help me finish my Homework.

*Pasif :
Ex :
-I had my car washed yesterday.

* Aktif :
Ex :
I had my brother wash my car yesterday..

* Get :
S+Get+To Inf+O..
Ex :
I get my brother to wash my car.

- Word Order

0pinion = Beautiful, Attractive, Interseting

Size = Small, Big, Tall

Age = Antique, Old, New

Shape = Square, Triangle

Colour = White, Brown

Original = Chinese, Indonesian, Egyptian, English

Material = Leather, Stone

Example :
I new a small car.
Gunakan rumus OSASCOM!
=> I small new car.

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