Active Participle (V-Ing) muncul di awal kalimat, hendaknya diperhatikan dan diingat arti yg terkandung setelah :
1. Having.... => After (Setelah)
2. Verb Ing.... => Sebagai sub-clause mengandung arti When, While
3. Kata Being.... => Sebagai sub-clause=Because/Since/As
Terdapat 2 bentuk kalimat participle :
1. Active Participle (Present Participle) adalah kata kerja (Verb) yg berujung Ing.
Example :
-Frightening (Menakutkan)
-Interesting (Menarik)
-Tiring (Melelahkan)
2. Passive Participle (Past Participle) adalah kata kerja (Verb) dalam bentuk ke-3.
Example :
-Frightened (Takut)
-Interested (Tertarik)
-Tired (Lelah)
Fungsi Participle :
1. Sebagai kata penjelas benda.
Rumus :
-Verb Ing/V3+noun
-Noun+Verb Ing/V3
*Verb Ing digunakan utk Active, sedangkan V3 digunakan untuk Passive*
Example :
-(The sleeping girl) has completed her work.
(Gadis yg sedang tidur itu telah menyelesaikan pekerjaannya).
-(The girl sleeping) in the room has completed her work.
(Gadis yg sedang tidur di kamar itu telah menyelesaikan pekerjaannya).
-She cried after seeing (the injured baby).
(Dia berteriak setelah melihat bayi yg terluka itu).
-(The baby injured) in the accident is taken to the nearest hospital.
(Bayi yg terluka dalam kecelakaan itu dibawa ke rumah sakit terdekat).
2. Setelah kata panca indera.
"Hear, Observe, Notice, Look, Watch, Know, See, Feel, Listen to".
Rumus :
-S+Kata kerja panca indera+O+Verb Ing....sedang (Aktif).
-S+Kata kerja panca indera+O+V3....di (Pasif).
-S+Kata kerja panca indera+O+Being+V3....sedang di (Pasif).
Example :
-I see the worker painting the wall.
-I see the wall painted by the worker.
-I saw the wall being painted by the worker.
-Contoh Soal dan Pembahasan-
(After the student had finished the examination), they returned the books to the library.
It has the same meaning....
A. Finish examination
B. Have finished the examination
C. They have finished the examination
D. Having finished the examination
Jawaban :
D. Having finished the examination
Pembahasan :
After diawali oleh Having.
(Active Participle)
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